For Gardening Sophisticates
Fall Flowers, plants & decor
Retail prices, sizes & colors
Pansies & Violas
Flats of 36; $24; more specific info on colors posting soon: blue, lt blue, white, yellow, lt yellow, violet, purple, rose, pink, black, orange, red, mix, Viola mix
8" pot $10.75, 12" pot $32, 14" pot $46; available colors: white, yellow, bronze/orange, maroon/red, purple/pink
Ornamental Cabbage & Kale
4" pot $6; 8" pots $13. White and pink/purple
Beginning September 1, available for pick up but not for pre-order: ornamental peppers, chard, pumpkins & gourds, decorative twigs (red dogwood, yellow dogwood, curly willow), and more.
Permanent Fall Color
For fall color year-after-year, check out our fall-blooming perennials like Heuchera, Asters, Goldenrod, Sedum, stunning foliage plants like grasses, and spectacular native trees and shrubs, available for pick up or special order.
Fall bulbs for spring blooms
You can also special order your Tulip, Daffodil, Allium, Crocus, Hyacinth, and other fall planted bulbs for spring blooming flowers. Also white Belladonna bulbs for summer blooming